Kerbside food bins available at the Spelthorne Council

Easily broken bins? No, if you know how to use them

08/12/2023 | Staff | 0 comments

The website of the Spelthorne Council has some interesting news, published on 28/11/2023: food bins are now available for free at the Council. They mean both the grey caddy (usually kept in the kitchen) and the green one to be put outside (on Tuesdays, if you live in Stanwell Moor).

The locations where food bins can be collected are:

- The Greeno Centre, Shepperton
- The Fordbridge Centre, Ashford
- Staines Community Centre, Staines (between the library and the old Debenhams building)
- The Council Offices (Reception) at Knowle Green
- The reception of the Council Depot at Kingston Road, Ashford

A reminder: food waste is not supposed to be placed in the standard garbage or recycling bins, which is one reason to use these bins. Also, as always, reducing and recycling food waste is a good thing, and contributes greatly to limiting our households' carbon footprint.


Tags: Stanwell Moor news

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